
Would you like to explore existing projects or be creative yourself? micro:bit is a tiny computer that can be programmed at different levels. It helps children and teenagers better understand how hardware and software work together and what computational thinking is all about.

How does it work?

micro:bit offers a variety of projects and creations: robots, musical instruments, games. The possibilities are endless. The micro-computer has an LED display, buttons, sensors as well as inputs and outputs that can be programmed, with the help of numerous softwares such as Microsoft's MakeCode, Javascript, Python, Scratch and others. Flexible in its application, mirco:bit makes programming easy for beginners and offers a wide range of possibilities for advanced programmers.


Hardware & software interact!

Using micro:bit, children get familiar with the hardware of a micro-computer. Beginners can program with the assistance of Microsoft's MakeCode’s blocks and if needed, have a look at the text on Javascript. Advanced learners can start directly with a text-based programming language.

micro:bit: smart parking

1.5 h, 10-15 years old

Developing, programming and testing a reversing assistant
The children and young people develop a reversing assistant for a classic car that gives the driver acoustic and visual feedback. The assistant is supposed to fulfill predefined requirements. To do this, they learn to program the tiny micro:bit computer with a graphical programming language and learn more about how ultrasonic sensors work.

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Micro:bit: Rock, Paper, Scissors & Co.

1.5-2.5 h, 10-15 years old

Write your own codes for a fun game
Using blocks, children and teenagers write their own code to draw icons on the micro:bit's LED matrix. They get an understanding of the micro-computer's accelerometer, which they use to control a random number generator. Activated with arm movement, their self-designed icons alternatively appear. The game can begin! Afterwards they deepen their learnings in other micro:bit modules.

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