Education Services

mint & pepper is passionate about blending the latest knowledge from groundbreaking research with the innovative spirit of entrepreneurial projects and spice it up with a decade of experience to the development of new offerings in the STEM field. We love to walk the talk, collaborate, build on each others strength, use synergies and achieve goals together!

our experience

With a track record of 10 years of product and workshop development as well as hosting, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in working with kids and teens and introducing them to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. This would not have been possible without initiating, building and sustaining strong networks among the education project community, schools and further stakeholders. Along the way, mint & pepper has evolved into a trusted and sought after partner for other projects. Be it community platforms, workshop design, product development, prototyping, creation of learning materials, educating coaches or providing materials from singular parts over robots up to completly "ready to go" workshop kits: we are dedicated to empower our colleagues in their efforts to create new and further educational offers. True to the idea of "sharing is caring" and "Open access Science" we believe that acquired know-how needs to be shared and continuously developed together within a collaborative network.



Project loading...: "Informatiktheater"
(all began with *THE IGOR SHOW*)